When surface detection finish,
click the surface to add cube,
scroll to move selected cube,
click cube to change selection.
The bottom of the screen will show the distance of each cube.
Demo video:https://youtu.be/-7hDq9rnzjI
Supported devices:
Google Pixel, Google Pixel XL, Samsung Galaxy S8
Distance is calculated by the tx ty tz of two pose. In my experience, I use Google Pixel, sometimes the result of arcore is only 1~2cm different from the result of a ruler in real world, but sometimes two results will differ by more then 10cm.
Tüm yüzey algılama kaplama,
küp eklemek için yüzey tıklayın
Seçilen küp taşımak ilerleyin
Seçimi değiştirmek için küpü tıklayın.
Ekranın alt her küpün mesafeyi gösterecektir.
Demo videosu: https: //youtu.be/-7hDq9rnzjI
Desteklenen cihazlar:
Google Piksel Google Piksel XL, Samsung Galaxy S8
Mesafe iki poz ait tz tx ty hesaplanır. Tecrübelerime göre, Google Piksel, bazen Arcore sonucu gerçek dünyada bir cetvel sonucu sadece 1 ~ 2cm farklıdır kullanın, ancak bazen iki sonuç daha sonra 10cm tarafından farklı olacaktır.
When surface detection finish,
click the surface to add cube,
scroll to move selected cube,
click cube to change selection.
The bottom of the screen will show the distance of each cube.
Demo video:https://youtu.be/-7hDq9rnzjI
Supported devices:
Google Pixel, Google Pixel XL, Samsung Galaxy S8
Distance is calculated by the tx ty tz of two pose. In my experience, I use Google Pixel, sometimes the result of arcore is only 1~2cm different from the result of a ruler in real world, but sometimes two results will differ by more then 10cm.